Nurmalahayati, M.Si., Ph.D.

Nurmalahayati, M.Si., Ph.D.

About Me (Tentang Saya)


Nurmalahayati, is a lecturer at the Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia. She earned her Ph.D in Science Curriculum and Disaster Education, University College London (UCL), United Kingdom. Prior to joining UIN Ar-Raniry, she actively involved in various humanitarian works in several agencies post-earthquake and tsunami in Aceh 2004, i.e. Protection Coordinator for tsunami Project in Aceh Besar, World Vision Indonesia; Project Assistant, United Nation Development Program, and Advocacy Manager, Aceh project, Post Tsunami Recovery Program, Canadian Red Cross. She has also received some international research grants, including from WWF Netherland, British Council Researcher link, Fukushima Governors awards, and CNDS & UCL-IRDR Award. Her research interests are: Chemistry and Science education, Curriculum Development, Disaster and Climate Change Education.